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Thoroughbred Municipal Court Manager

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Program Design Features:

Microsoft Windows compliant.

Designed to be extremely powerful yet user friendly and easy to use.

Friendly “Have It Your Way’ Program Design – Let’s you do things ‘Your Way’ instead of being forced to do what the software requires.

Communication Features:

Email Court Docket Schedule to Judge or Municipal Attorney – (Save postage costs and expedite delivery.)

Ease of Use Features:

Easily See Person’s Case History of All Cases involving a Person.      ‘One Click’ open of each case detail (Judges ‘love’ this feature.)

Form Letters and Notices.  Built-in Word Processor with Mail Merge or Cut and Paste with Other Work Processors for Customizable Form Letters and Notices.

Change Font Display sizes for best results on User Monitor and Computer Equipment

Built-in History and Transaction Log:

Cash Receipts Transactions Log – Unlimited log of all payments received.  Automatically records all payments upon entry.  

(Has it’s own query tool to group or report payments by date, customer, type, etc.)

Cash Receipts Reports with or without Cash Allocation by Fund

General Features:

Query AdHoc Search and Reporting function (Easily find and Report ANY group of Customers with something in common.)

Tracks Persons, Cases, Violations, Charges, Fines, Payments, Court Dates, Officers, Attorneys, and Dispositions.

Built-in Word Processor with Mail Merge or Cut and Paste with Other Work Processors for Customizable Form Letters and Notices.

Easily See Person’s Case History of All Cases involving a Person.      ‘One Click’ open of each case detail (Judges ‘love’ this feature.)

Judge’s Notes and Notes to Judge

Clerk’s Memo Notes

Record of Action and Contacts (Log all contacts with Case Defendants)

‘Mass Change’ feature makes group changes and edits to all or a selected group of customers

Mouse, Keyboard, or Voice Activated Control is support.

User Definable Court Charges and Fines per Violation/Charge

Other User Definable ‘Per Case’ Charges

User Definable Customizable Reports

User Definable Bench Warrant Notice Text

User Definable License Suspension Failure to Comply Notice Text

Print Form Letters/Notices

Print Envelopes

Print Case File

Print Court Docket with or without Notes to Judge

Print Failure To Comply Warrant Letters

Print Failure To Comply Suspended License Letters

Print Abstract Of Conviction

Print Caseload Summary

Print Cash Receipts Reports

Generate Electronic Transmission files to Comply with State of Kansas Electronic Court Reporting Standards.

Add-on Modules:

Export Data Module

Post Payments Automatically to Integrated Thoroughbred Fund Accounting
